Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Aren't you supposed to play for fun?
This is a message that we just received from our administration:
Friday, April 16, 2010
Kiva is a non-profit organization that gives small micro-finance loans to impoverished people all around the world. They believe that by connecting people, and encouraging people to become entrepreneurs through small, low interest loans they are allowing people to better their lives.

Check it out!
The Declaration
The Declaration of a Student Conference Regarding Educational Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina
On the 10th of February 2010 a conference was held in the United World College in Mostar with students from ten different schools, representing a diversity of ethnic groups, view points, and opinions. The diversity provided a rich source of perceptions and views among the student representatives on the topic of educational reform. The assembly expressed frustration with the current state of affairs. We are aware of the complexity of the current situation, and we acknowledge the difficulties of bringing about change. But it is necessary to bring about change now. There are both internal and external factors driving the imperative for change. Certain common themes emerged and priorities could be identified for potential reform. The following recommendations are made as a result of the discussion between the participants and represent these common concerns.
Our recommendations are made under six headings which represent our major concerns. The collaboration of recommendations concern curriculum issues, pedagogy, resources, personal and social development, school and community relationships, and continuing school opportunities.
These recommendations are based on a holistic approach to the educational system. There needs to be a centralized ministry of education to create efficiency and effectiveness. Each student needs to have equal opportunity and access to education – this can only be achieved if there is one system, equipped with sufficient resources, and maintaining a high level of professional teaching.
Curriculum Issues (Teaching and Learning)
Within the curriculum students said that the main problems are the number of subjects, the schedule, and the subject material. The current curriculum requires students to take more than ten subjects, and up to fifteen or sixteen. It is impossible for students to focus and engage in this amount of subjects in a timely manner. The range of subjects on one hand does give students broader knowledge, but restricts the depth of education. Secondly, lengthy school days also detract from the efficiency and effectiveness of classes. A combination of less, but longer classes, but an altogether shorter schedule per day would allow students to profit and gain more from their education.
Education should be multi-dimensional, and utilize a range of teaching styles, methods, and materials. Students expressed frustration with boredom in classes, because they simply copy notes from the board and do not interact or discuss the material that they are learning.
The second major concern, while discussing the integration of schools, is the practical aspect of respecting the three national languages Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian. Students suggested several solutions. In the first model students would attend all classes together, except for their primary language. The main question is, which language would textbooks be written in? Brcko District serves as one example – they choose textbooks, disregarding language, based on the quality of the information. A second suggestion is to print the same textbook in the three different languages, so that students could all study together simultaneously in their own languages.
Offering religious and ethical studies is a comprehensive part of education, but it should not be compulsory. Also, a range of religions and moral philosophies should be explored. If students wish to pursue personal religious studies this can be done through a religious institution or other means of education, other than the public school system. Exposure to other religions and cultures will allow students to develop a broader world-view and greater perception of their surroundings.
Pedagogy (Teachers)
Teachers have a huge responsibility, to educate and guide their students as they grow and mature. It is not solely to inform students about a particular subject, but also to challenge students to become informed, respectful, and conscious citizens. Although, their first responsibility is to educate students and challenge students to learn themselves. Teachers have the time and ability to influence student’s way of thinking and learning, and their life maturation. We believe they are one of the most important components of every education system.
A good teacher is responsible and respected, they should enjoy teaching and interacting with students. They should be qualified to teach their subject, and challenge their students. Student evaluations should be used to evaluate teacher performance to improve the system. Teachers are needed, yet receive one of the lowest salaries – which can only discourage them to do their job the best way possible. Teachers have a lot of power and they are forming the next generations. Education is in their hands; therefore they should be well prepared and focused. Teacher improvement seminars should be compulsory. Teacher should identify problematic issues such as politics and treat it with caution yet allow students express their different opinions.
A lack of funding, and inefficient spending detracts from the education system. It is essential to provide quality resources like textbooks, laboratory equipment, IT labs and training, and basic school supplies. Due to instable curriculums students said that textbooks were changed frequently – which leads to a waste of monetary resources as well as paper. Students proposed the formation of a single national system of education to provide the structure necessary to equip all students and schools with proper resources to facilitate learning.
Personal and Social Development - Personal Development as part of Education
We identified four common goals concerning education, which unite students. Firstly, students attend school to be prepared for further education or work. Secondly, they want to develop personally, become more mature, and contribute to society. Thirdly, they want to form relationships with other students, and interact. Finally, they want to form and maintain individual and group identities. The creation of a unified system of education would augment these goals.
Right now, many students do not feel that they are sufficiently prepared to attend university, or begin working. It is essential to create a system of secondary education that meets these needs. The formation of relationships would broaden by bringing together students from all ethnicities to study together. Lastly, identities would not be damaged or weakened by integrating the education system – instead the converse would occur, by recognizing and accepting differences, people would be able to explore and solidify their identities.
School and Communities -Relationships with formal education system with the community
We defined community as local, regional, national, and international. Within local communities schools act as a center point and place for the community to gather and interact. They can organize events for the community, and bring together families because the students are interacting. Communication among parents, teachers, and students encourages cooperation and understanding within a community. Regionally and nationally schools act as a common ground, something which all people within society experience. Therefore, a divided education system will only cause further division within society, and prevent the formation of links towards cooperation.
Continuing education -Post school – Universities, Employment
The purpose of education is to prepare students for their futures, whether it is to continue higher education into university, to pursue a career or job, or to simply be part of society it is necessary to develop a strong base of knowledge and skills. Many students said that they do not feel prepared for the future and are not satisfied with the opportunities available to them.
The first suggestion that was strongly supported was fostering the development of internships, or work experiences between students and local businesses. Giving high school students the opportunity to practice skills that they learn in school and to sample different types of work helps them to feel more confident and make decisions about what they want to do in the future.
The second suggestion that the students proposed and agreed upon was that there needs to be a national system of requirements or testing to graduate from high school. This was discussed in further depth in a conference in Banja Luka at the same time. The students agreed that it would be easier to pursue further education internationally if they received a respected diploma.
All the students here today commit to be a part of and support this change. You can rely on the students to be a fundamental base, motivated to make this change occur. It is necessary for authorities to take responsibility to make the changes outlined above. Representatives are elected to listen to the citizens that they represent. This declaration is what these students representing many different backgrounds want for the betterment of their education.
In conclusion, this society is seeking to move forward, and a holistic approach to education is the means to develop the young citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These students, as representatives, stated that they want change to be made and that they are willing to work together to make it happen. We as a group are committed to partnering and sharing in a continuing commitment to change, and the students want to take this conversation further. We acknowledge the difficulties of reforming the education system and making these changes, but it is necessary to start this change now.
We, the students of this conference, are united in our commitment to work with authorities to bring about such change and educational reform for the betterment of this nation, these peoples, and the students of future generations.
Educational Reform Conference in BiH - By Students for Students
On the 10th of February 2010, our school hosted a student conference about Education Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Eighty students from ten different schools gathered to discuss the necessity of change in the current system. Forty students from outside UWC came to share their opinions, experiences, and concrete suggestions. The students came to the conclusion that change is mandatory – now. A declaration was written to assert the student voices. The initial idea to host the conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina was incepted at a social issues conference in Kosovo in December. We conducted a research project polling local students about their satisfaction with the current system based on a diversity of educational backgrounds. At the conference we presented our research and heard many other presentations and conclusions. There was significant interest in our investigation, but we did not think that there was enough time provided for further discussion, evaluation, analysis, and the proposal of tangible solutions.
The central questions we felt were:
The recommendations outlined in the declaration are made under six headings which represent the major concerns. The collaboration of recommendations concern curriculum issues, pedagogy, resources, personal and social development, school and community relationships, and continuing school opportunities.
These recommendations are based on a holistic approach to the educational system. There needs to be a centralized ministry of education to create efficiency and effectiveness. Each student needs to have equal opportunity and access to education – this can only be achieved if there is one system, equipped with sufficient resources, and maintaining a high level of professional teaching.
Two distinguished guests presented and facilitated the writing of the declaration. We were honored by the presence of Professor Jeff Thompson and Doctor Mary Hayden from the University of Bath in the UK. At the beginning, they briefly presented their own research study about the impact of the United World College in Mostar on integration in the local community and student mentalities. Then several students shared personal reflections on their experiences, and an article written in 2004 by the OSCE. We presented our research from Kosovo, and asked a lot of questions to begin the discussion sessions. Students were divided into smaller moderator groups in order to enable dialogue. Each group was led by two moderators, one international and one local. Moderators noted important points, which became the basis of the areas of recommendation in the declaration.
Concerning the logistics of the conference, students were split into discussion groups which were led by facilitators, and notes of the discussions were kept. A brief outline of questions to direct the conversations was constructed, but it was created as an open environment for students to talk about a very relevant topic, without feeling pressure based on ethnicity, or identity.The central questions we felt were:
What do we want as students?
Are you satisfied with the current system?
With the teaching, books, subjects?
Do you feel that your school is giving you an adequate education for your future?
What’s stopping you from getting what you want? What’s wrong?
How can you fix this?
What does integration mean to you?
Each person will have an individual understanding of integration. By discussing the definition of the word it will avoid conflicts based on different definitions.
What will people gain through integration?
What are people afraid of losing through integration? (emphasize that it is a common fear)
Are these fears justified?
UWCiM is an example that you will not lose your identity by integrated education – students actually claim that they feel more confident in their identity by explaining it and understanding it from an outside perspective.
Why hasn’t integration happened yet? Lack of political / common will.
“Education should not be political, it should be a neutral learning atmosphere, creating critical, mature individuals.”
How will having an integrated system facilitate fulfilling wants and needs?
We were pleased with the results of the conference, but it is only the beginning of a long process. We are firm in our belief that students need to be united in their commitment to work with authorities to bring about educational reform for the betterment of this nation, these peoples, and the students of future generations. It is the responsibility of students, both local and international to continue to push for change, and demand excellent education.
We would like to sincerely thank the United World College in Mostar, our headmaster Paul Regan, our teacher coordinator Ljubica Bajo, Professor Jeff Thompson and Doctor Mary Hayden, the student moderators, Meri Musa for coordinating press coverage, and all the participants that made this event possible.
We encourage all students to continue to “be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi18 Things I Am Thankful For on my 18th Birthday
1. My Family
2. Being at UWCiM
3. Adventures (spontaneous and fulfilled dreams)
4. Being given a back massage right now :)
5. My roommates, my close friends, and my inner circle
6. An absolutely amazing childhood (so many wonderful memories, along the roller coaster)
7. The talents I have been given and developed
8. Sunshine and the smell right before it rains
9. The love that surrounds me (which I take for granted)
10. The journey I have taken thus far & the road ahead
11. My little man (ask me the story)
12. Complexities in life, because challenges make you grow
13. God
14. Listening to the Birthday song in Chinese, German, Hebrew, Dutch, Local and English
15. Mountains, Rivers, spring-time, & flowers
16. Jumping pictures
17. Shaked's camel loves me.
18. For the color blue.
2. Being at UWCiM
3. Adventures (spontaneous and fulfilled dreams)
4. Being given a back massage right now :)
5. My roommates, my close friends, and my inner circle
6. An absolutely amazing childhood (so many wonderful memories, along the roller coaster)
7. The talents I have been given and developed
8. Sunshine and the smell right before it rains
9. The love that surrounds me (which I take for granted)
10. The journey I have taken thus far & the road ahead
11. My little man (ask me the story)
12. Complexities in life, because challenges make you grow
13. God
14. Listening to the Birthday song in Chinese, German, Hebrew, Dutch, Local and English
15. Mountains, Rivers, spring-time, & flowers
16. Jumping pictures
17. Shaked's camel loves me.
18. For the color blue.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
English Professors
Just sit and imagine for a moment a classic British English professor. He studied in Cambridge, he wears a tweed jacket, a cap on his balding head, a popped collar, or a turtle neck sweater. He's a bit on the shorter side, and sometimes seems to be off in his own world. He refuses to teach novels because they are too boring, but prefers poetry, and true stories.
He is a gentleman by creed, but has a dry sense of humor. He went to boarding school since the age of nine, and always has to have the window open to prevent the classroom air from getting stuffy. He points out our errors, and is quite delighted when we understand his analysis of a single line of poetry.
This is my English professor.
(Photo: English class outside, studying "This is a Man", on the stairs of Velic, our languages, humanities, and office building.)
He is a gentleman by creed, but has a dry sense of humor. He went to boarding school since the age of nine, and always has to have the window open to prevent the classroom air from getting stuffy. He points out our errors, and is quite delighted when we understand his analysis of a single line of poetry.
This is my English professor.
(Photo: English class outside, studying "This is a Man", on the stairs of Velic, our languages, humanities, and office building.)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
First Years
Dear all
I am writing to you with the good news that, following a teleconference with Executive Committee members today, I have been unconditionally authorised to enrol a fifth generation. It is envisaged right now that the generation will be a small one, but if funds materialise later, we can enlarge the numbers.
But the important thing is that we have continuity and the college remains intact.
Clearly there is much work ahead and long term stability and reform must now be the next goals . But sometimes small steps can be all that is needed and we got one today.
Many thanks to all students and staff for their solidarity, proving once again that we have a strong sense of family preservation!
Another important decision was also made today. This was the confirmation of Valentina Mindolevic as the next Headteacher of UWCiM, effective from 1 July. I wish her every success and know she will do a great job in the challenging time ahead.
Best regards.
The fear of not having first years is one of the worst that a student of UWC can experience. It threatens the very process of growing up and becoming responsible, it represents a discontinuation of the school, of the ideals, of the goals, dreams, and projects that we work for as students. When we heard the news that we would be receiving first years, everybody was running around Musala hugging and congratulating others, people were smiling, laughing, yelling. I ran up to our room and swept Shaked up into a huge hug, we were just laughing and yelling for several minutes, not willing to let go. The fever has caught and spread throughout the school, it is a contagious disease, the planning and dreams for the new individuals who will one day look up at the impressive stripped facade of this gymnasia and know in their hearts that it will become a home for the next two years, and the foundation of their identities for the entirety of their lives.
To future first years:
Any first years who might be reading this, sometime soon or in the future. YOU are the future of our school. I feel a very big responsibility to introduce you, and mentor you, and most of all challenge you to grow. We all cannot wait to meet you, you mean the world to us.
Take advantage of every moment this summer. Live life to the fullest. Do the things that you enjoy the most. Spend quality time with you family, and your closest friends. Leave time to be spontaneous. Live in the moment, the future will come. The meaning of life is the journey in search of the meaning - so never stop looking. The only battle that you lose is the one that you stop fighting for. Try to find your balance in life, and I wish you peace, love, and harmony. Although you will never always have these things be joyful throughout your trials in life, because through them you will grow the most, and find the strength within yourself to carry on. All you need to do is stand up one more time than you fall down :)
We send you love from your new family in Mostar. Let the adventures continue.
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